Monday, December 8, 2008

lost in the closet

the story starts with a game of speed quarters. 8 people. 6 quarters. 3 glasses. an endless supply of beer. 

the story ends with "what the fuck?!"

and here's everything in between:

speed quarters was everything i expected it to be. except that my girlfriend couldn't keep herself from making me drink. it's not that i suck at quarters. i just suck at speed quarters. bounce. clink. "shit." drink. pour. bounce. clink. "shit." drink. pour. and that's how it went for an hour or so. 

fast forward to bedtime. a quick change from party clothes to sleep clothes. a quick tooth rub with the bristly thing and then a quick stumble into bed and an even quicker fall asleep. the bed is right next to the bathroom. right. next. to. it. i needed only to roll out of bed and take 2 steps away from the bed and i'm in the bathroom. but when i woke up in the middle of the night to pee, apparently i couldn't grasp that concept. 

i awake in the dead of night to an urgent need to rid myself of the many shots of beer i drank during what seemed to be 4 days of speed quarters. i get out of bed. i feel around for the open door to the bathroom. i find a doorway. i walk through it. i close the door. i search for the light switch. i don't feel one on the wall. fuck it. i don't need light to pee. just find me the toilet. i'm feeling the wall. and feeling the wall and feeling the wall. more wall. i find the door again. no toilet. i begin to panic. i feel for the bathroom counter so i can follow it back to the toilet. no counter. just wall. i panic more, and now i REALLY have to pee. i'm banging around into the wall, trying to find the toilet, or any feature of the bathroom i might recognize.

on the other side of the door, erin is awakened by my banging around. and then she hears the culmination of my frustration: "what the FUCK?!"

i hear her say something, maybe she asks what i'm doing. "i'm trying to find the bathroom!" i make it outside the door and find a wall switch. i flip it up. it's the switch to the closet. the one i'd been searching for the toilet in for the last 20 minutes. 

good times. 


Dana said...

Good times.
At least you made it through A door, even if it was the wrong one.

Dana said...

At least you made it through SOME kind of door. Even if it was a dead-end.