Moving is fun. Just not for the animals. Sly and Killer both yowled like they were being twirled by the ceiling fan during the less-than-1-mile-car-ride from the old apartment to the new house. Good times. Jackson, on the other hand, was fine during the ride. Apparently cats and dogs really are different.
Here's what Jackson is good at in the new house so far:

opening the mail
laying in the sun
laying near the sun
laying in the sun
staring stoically out the window at passers-by
growling at his reflection in the kitchen tiles
laying in the sun
waiting for Erin to come home
sleeping like a human
guarding the front porch

laying in the sunpassing out after eating
and of course...laying in the sun.
As for the other animals...
Killer is upset I've awoken her with the flash
And Sly...well, he can always find a new friend to lay on.